This is the addendum to the Twitter feed, @KCMusicJudged. There, I rate albums/ collected singles of local music. It's a direct parallel to (more accurately, total rip-off of) @1000TimesYes, but with Kansas City music (and the immediate Metro Area) only. I apologize to Lawrence: you got included into that. It's not a bad thing!
But this won't have reviews. If I have more than 140 characters worth of stuff to say about an album from a critical point of view, it just isn't fair. I'll either gush too much or be too harsh. But if I have a chance to engage artists in a dialog regarding their music, then I think that's a different venue. Different content for different audiences, maybe? I don't know. At a minimum it's a different kind of writing and listening and sharing. And hopefully, caring.
So we'll see how bad this fails.